Body Cleansing

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Cleansing the Body for Better Health


by Cynthia Taylor


Cleansing the body or detoxification is a means to rid the body of accumulated harmful substances that impact negatively on a person’s health. Build up of fats, and toxins in the body will result in the body retaliating and becoming ill.


Cleansing the body is designed to flush out these harmful wastes, toxins and fats, and rejuvenate the body to reclaim optimum health. There are many different methods of cleansing the body, some are designed for specific areas of the body such as the colon cleansing, liver and kidney cleansing, even the humble foot cleaning.


With the use of diets, such as the master cleanse lemonade diet, to dietary supplement, several homeopathic and naturopathic preparations specifically for cleansing the body.


Increasing ones intake of water is highly recommended when undertaking any dietary body cleansing preparation or diet.


All of them recommend that you eliminate alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, canned foods, pre-prepared foods, butter, margarine, salt, sugar, red meats, pork, dairy products such as cheese and cream, all fried foods.


You will be replacing these foods with fresh raw vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, seeds, fish, herbs, herbal teas, water, Cold Pressed Vegetable oils or Extra Virgin Olive oil.


Body cleansing is practiced by people all over the world, today’s lifestyles, eating habits we are bombarded with foods that are loaded with pesticides, chemical preservatives, processed chemical is foods that we eat daily. Added to this are other pollutants such as plastics and other natural chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis. It’s no wonder that many people are ill as they bodies cannot cope with all this unnatural stuff entering their bodies.


The number if diseases from fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, heart diseases, Parkinson’s a Alzheimer’s diseases depression, headaches, fatigue, asthma, eczema, sinus, ear infections, throat infections, and even cancer, are the results of wrong foods, and heavy chemicals.


Cleansing the body is the answer to fix this up. A good body cleansing will help eliminate many of these problems, the benefits of deep body cleansing not only cleanses the body but helps prevention of disease. People who have undergone the body cleansing process report renewed vigor, elimination of symptoms and diseases. And report that they feel 100% better than they did before starting on a body cleansing diet.


An added bonus some people feel is that they have broken lifetime of bad habits and lost weight at the same time.


About the author


I'm a work from home grandmother, blogger and freelance writer i'm owned by several cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

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