Having trouble concentrating? Freer Logic’s latest innovation, BodyWave technology, is here to keep your shifting mind on track. BodyWave tells you exactly when you’ve reached a peak performance state, or, if you’re being inattentive or distracted, it helps bring you back into focus.
Using a brainwave monitor that attaches to the arm or leg, it monitors the brain’s physiological signals through the body and filters out other sources of bioelectricity like the heart. Dry sensors then acquire the brain signal and transfer it wirelessly to a mobile phone or PC.
When BodyWave is used with Freer Logic’s 3D computer simulations, it can teach stress control, increase attention, and facilitate peak mental performance.
Beyond job training and potentially gaming, the BodyWave is also being put to use by Freer Logic sister company Play Attention, which hopes to use the technology to help those diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) work on their concentration.