Bokeh Lights: A Short Experimental Piece

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One of the exercises asked of us this semester was to experiment with new techniques and put it into a short little film. I think a lot of people on my course may have interpreted this as task requiring them to make a fully fledged shot experimental film. The way I saw it though was a chance to try out and develop new techniques that could relate and help us with our actual films later on. It's literally an experiment of sorts so you're not taking any risks when it comes to your actual film.

The idea behind this film was the create a short experimental piece that would explore the movement and shapes produced by out of focus lights at night time to create a sense of rhythm and dance. This was in preparation for a short film I've been planning to make based at a Carnival at night time.

I am fairly happy with the outcome and I felt the use of sound made for an effective atmosphere overall.You can view the final film on Vimeo

About the author


There’s something about picking up a camera and having the flexibility to create something entirely original out of nothing, Making something that seems at first glance a little boring or ordinary and transforming it into something extraordinary. It was the ability to mould the shape of reality, create something of…

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