Bondage served up at Club Voa!

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According to Bouncer Chronicles Club Voa on East 49th Street near Second Avenue was the seen of bondage, unlawful imprisonment and assault. Around 3 AM last Sunday morning Kobong Choi decided a co-worker was too drunk for his own safety. The drunk worker was feuding with customers and co-workers before Choi took matters into his own hands. Choi wrapped the drunk co-worker tightly with an electrical cord, according to the NYPD. Around 4:30 AM they locked up the club and left the man tied up behind. At 7:15 AM a frantic 911 call was placed to report the tied up man was trouble.

Cops broke open the swany mid-town night club that caters to Japanese businessman with a sledgehammer to find the co-worker still tied up. Later in the day police caught up with Choi and arrested him for unlawful imprisonment and assault.

About the author


Having bounced in the best New York City clubs for twenty five years, I have met some of the most colorful and interesting characters in the business. It was my passion to share my story as well as theirs.

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