I feel like my seat today. Broke and tired. For ten years I've endured questions about my occupation like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. For ten years I decided to tell the story of my career in film and video. But ten years have left me broke, tired and wondering if anyone really wants to watch it? It doesn't really matter though does it? I'm making it for me, and all those bicycle messengers out there living in the shadow of the movie Quicksilver. Yeah, that's exactly what it's like to be a messenger. But maybe it's closer to reality than I care to admit. After all, maybe I will quit this job and open a hotdog stand. I might even call it Hector's.
Kenton Hoppas is a small business owner of an all bicycle courier company. His films involve bicycles as often as possible. Even if that simply is riding his bike, with his gear, to the shoot.