Calabresa acebolada is a Portuguese term which means pepperoni with onion, this is one of the popular dishes here in South America. It's a fast food item, lots of South Americans love to eat this with french bread, I like this one with lots of onion and ground pepper.
2 Calabresa (rodelas)
2 Cebola (rodelas)
Modo de preparo:
1.Coloque óleo em uma frigideira, o suficiente para fritar a linguiça e leve ao fogo
2. Ponha a lingüiça e cebola na frigideira com óleo
coloque pimenta-do-reno, mexa todo junto.
3.Sirva em seguida :-).
For English version
2 pieces regular size pepperoni
2 medium size onion
ground pepper to taste
1. Saute the onion
2. Add the pepperoni, saute until it is cooked.
3. Dash with pepper to taste.
4. Serve hot :-)