Canceled Appointment

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Canceled Appointment

I was not able to make it with the appointment set by my former boss with the President of the company that I was previously managing. I am not really feeling well. Maybe this is because of the series of drinking sessions that we had for two consecutive weeks. I think, I was so stressed for I have been insomniac since I came back home from vacation three weeks ago. Aside from that, gastrointestinal problems struck me again. I really need to have enough rest coupled by water therapy.

When my boss called, I felt the dismay and frustration from the tune of his voice. Maybe he thinks that I am only making alibi or just weaving reasons to avoid the meeting. I don't know if he really believes in me or not. Although, he advised me to have enough sleep for fast recovery. I am just being honest and telling the truth, that's what matters most.

Photo through the creation of Doodsdpogi ®

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The original Doodsdpogi in the city

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