There is a huge plot change for you this year, Capricorn. Your ruling planet, Saturn has been navigating the dark and fixed waters of Scorpio for the past two plus years, teaching you everything there is to know about deep feelings, letting go and resourcefulness. You've been putting a tremendous amount of energy into your career and life goals and committing to the long haul. This has served your career well. The only downside is that you've been a bit all work and no play, dear. You're so ready for a serious break and more you-time in 2015. Saturn will now spend the next few years in your sector of sleep, escapism and retreat. Cultivate as much time in your daily schedule for soul time, zoning out and tuning into your dreams as possible. This summer, Saturn will dip back into your house of goals and social networking between June and September. Use this time to finalize any loose ends or revamp any of your bigger schemes that still feel clunky. This year brings the final of seven Pluto-Uranus squares in March. You've been on a crash course of growth, evolution and power for the past few years. Actually, this intense metamorphosis began in 2008 when Pluto first entered your sign. You have until 2024 to go for the final transformation, but this could be one of the most pivotal of all in terms of a huge growth surge. You're truly stepping into your power and determination to build work and relationships that last. Integrity is where it's at, as always.