Hi! I'm nittah and i'm back with another interesting blog. This should be my fourth blog, well today i will be doing more of teaching than just posting. Let's get started, sit back and relax.
- What is a Cartoon: it is a sketch or drawing, usually humorous, as in a newspaper or periodical, symbolizing, satirizing, or caricaturing some action, subject, or person of a popular interest.
#Definition source: Via Google
"In cartoons, in movies, time passes differently. There are flashbacks and flashforwards". —Warren spector
- Definition o it is a painting or drawing, or an impression of something formed from a description. It can also be a person or thing resembling another closely
#Definition source: Via Google"
Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second " —Marc Riboud
- Cartoon picture: From the above two definition, we can now say in one word that cartoon picture is just an image that is edited or painted into a cartoon, something like a caricature but no that.
From here on, i think i will show you a video on how to cartoon a picture using auto desk .
#Video Credit Whisdom sahmuel
I hope you enjoyed the video though it was not really a complete video. Now i will like us to see my last week's work they really are beautiful—lol.
Suscribe to my youtube page to see more tutorial videos and i will definitely be uploading more videos.
Thank you for spending your time to read. Thank you for supporting my blog. Keep calm Every one.