Cartoons of 2015.

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We just recently got cable again in our house and I've come to realize that a lot of dumb shows air on t.v. now. When I was a kid the shows were wholesome. They didn't have a ton of sexual or drug related suggestions. Nor was there a lot of violence or even dating.

Yet in today's shows all of these things exist. And it's shocking. Yes, I watched some shows that had violence: X-Men, Digimon, Pokemon, TMNT. It was mild violence, and the violence in shows today is still mild but it is portrayed in a different manner that really makes you think.

The Amazing World of Gumball: This show really isn't all that bad. But it confuses me beyond reason.

Uncle Grandpa: This show is seriously stupid. There is a tiger that has a rainbow coming from it's butt that flies. For me this show looks like something induced from a person that is stoned. It make's no sense. And shows kids to trust strangers that break into their homes.

Clarence: I feel this show is making fun of children that have mental problems. I don't know why but that is what I feel every time I watch the show. I also feel that I lose some brain cells each time I watch it.

Steven Universe: Also one of those shows that looks like it is the production of someone stoned. Of course it isn't as strange as uncle grandpa. It is still pretty weird.

Regular Show: Has a ton of sexual/dating references that make me really want to not let my brother watch it.

Adventure Time: This show has more violence then the others. Though I actually like it over the other's.

Now don't get me wrong, this is just what I feel about these shows and it's my opinion. I watched some strange shows growing up, but I was in my teens and able to. We are all entitled to our own opinions on the shows that exist today. I just wish there were more wholesome shows out there verses the one's that are on today.

About the author


My name is Shanto and i am from Bangladesh.I like to use social networking site very much and bitlanders is best.

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