This week's 60 minutes was allocated to Michael Morton who was sentenced to jail for 25 years. They said that he was put in jail without enough facts that he had murdered his wife.
As Mr. Morton was talking on 60 minutes, he said that when they were taking him to jail, his son was only three, and he was screaming after me. He added that being behind the bars of the jail for about 25 years has changed his life. Now, his son who screamed after him is as old as he is the father of a baby daughter. This is so astonishing for him.
He says that, he is going to begin his new life with his son and grand-daughter.
Michael Morton is now so happy that he is with his family. But, he is unhappy because his wife is not existed in this world anymore. She was died long ago. Now, his grand-daughter and his son is a new hope for him, and he will continue his life with them.