Ceremony Signs Solo '(Funeral) - Toraja

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RambuSolo and ceremonies death Toraja society that aims untukmenghormati and sends the spirit of the deceased to the spirit world, they are back to eternity with their ancestors in a tempatperistirahatan. This ceremony is also called the completion ceremony of the deceased new kematiankarena considered really died after seluruhprosesi this ceremony fulfilled. If not, then the person who died tersebuthanya regarded as the sick or weak, so it remains diperlakukanseperti much as anyone alive, that is put to bed and food and beverage diberihidangan even always talk to.

The highlight of the ceremony solo Signs dilaksanakandisebuah specific field. In this ceremony there are a series of rituals, such as the packaging remains, affixing ornament of gold thread danperak on the coffin, the body drop to the barn to be buried, danproses pengusungan body to its final resting place.

Moreover, in this ceremony terdapatberbagai cultural attractions on display, including buffalo race, the bulls will be sacrificed in the race before slaughter, and race walking. There is also staging several music and some dancing Toraja.

Bulls were slain by slashing leherkerbau only with one swing, this is typical of people Tanatoraja. Buffalo for slaughter is not just a regular buffalo, blue tetapikerbau Bonga Tedong the prices range from 10 to 50 jutaatau more per tail.


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