Certain that someone will love me?

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It also said it would wait to go to, just to find he will meet, just need to see this!

Sometimes, I just think, if only someone appeared and pulled me out of the old habit, pull out the usual encumbered, just to be on the safe side still not worried.

Sometimes, I thought, if only someone take the time to listen to me, and I told the pale idle gossip colorful life, to take the time to explain to me the things I do not know.

Sometimes, I laugh, people still comforted each other that then everyone will find a hand to hold, a shoulder to lean, a heart to body size. It also said it would wait to go to, just to find he will meet, just need to see this!

But I've been patiently waiting, a few people go over and leave, some did not bother to even look at the well, a few people did not even recognize my existence in this life. At that time, I was skeptical, it is said that true?

Someone will love me?

Field day in the capital and in the narrow treadmill, go easy street at rush stuck in the minds aching shrill whistle, stare hard stares, smiles coldly distant kingdom on environmental strokes strange ... But painstaking search could not find someone to grab hold of their own making. It enlightenment!

Work, school, family always occupy some of the time. But after that long grueling for workers, for sending love to talk to people who are always by my side, I still see the empty heart of a distant loneliness too. Lo and behold!

Like everyone else, I accepted an imperfect love, coming from someone who is not perfect. I did not set out strict criteria for a lover in an affair, I'm just a casual desire. That someone will find me and held out his hand grasp, gentle and tolerant enough to pick up the luggage walking beside me. I just have such a man appeared, just like that only.

If so, will someone find me and give love to me?


About the author


I love life, love rains

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