Chances in Finding Your True Heart’s Desire Without Goggling for It

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''I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.'' 

Quote Credit: Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook



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In my line of subsistence here on earth, I can definitely impart to anyone that I also don't know how to find the right guy for me but I can surely tell you that I am looking forward to the time wherein I will spend forever with the man I choose to dream. And of course, every girl in the world is having the same feelings I have right now regardless of what kind of a person you are. At the depth of it, all of us have the same desires- to love, to be loved, and to be happy. Even if you think you are the strongest person in the world, time will come that you'll experience monophobia - the fear of being alone; owing to the fact that we were born in this world through love with the people we first loved and loved us also.


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Through my personal experiences in some of the short relationships I had, some family matters that came along and also big thanks to the romantic movies I've watched; I learned a lot of simple things about relationships. I've learned that there are no perfect relationships; troubles, issues, and more problems will always come our way. And it is up to you how you accept the peccadilloes that make it naturally A-OK.


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We all have the rough part of choosing, imagining and planning the perfect partner to spend the rest of our lives with. There is this beautiful, or brainy, or rich, or educated, or tall, or petite, or dark, or handsome, or fit, with this car, or with that house or whatever else that strikes our chichi-ness. And with that, we tend to forget that what if the problem comes our way and we find ourselves in a relationship of comparing our partners with the man we dreamed to marry. 

How To Choose A Partner Wisely

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When that happens, we stop appreciating our partner for all the splendid nature they do possess. From the very moment, there's no such perfect person in the world and most of all positive qualities are not the only basis of living life with the person we love. In the view that I can see I consider this plain apothegm about love and it appears with 4D's - love does not Discriminate, Dominate, Desiderate and Demand


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and please add it with the 4Cs – love is being Comfortable with that someone during my manic days, Complication-free indulge with simplicity, Caring even how cranky I am when I am angry and my Companion through sunny and rainy

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Around the age of 20s above mostly people start hustling around finding this term ''the one''. Not to mention the estimated median age of brides is 20-24 here in the Philippines while the groom is 26- 28 and above, according to the Philippine National Statistics.

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Some may linger in every relationship that pops up, fearing that they might miss out “the one” or they may remorse the ‘’the one got away’’. 


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Along with it, I can’t help it not to get curiously envisage the fact that there are more than 6 billion people in the world and it doesn't make sense that ''the one'' belongs to that ''one-hundred thousand''?

By any word, how ludicrously hilarious the race of finding this ''the one'' that everyone is tailing about. But I think it is such fun to look for this one (LOL). Anyways I still strongly agree that there's a pile of people out there who will be great fits for us, and it’s just a matter of stamina and backbone to wait for that ''the one''. Yes, it’s true that I've mentioned ''to wait'' and it's because 'I am Pinay' and this is what I love in our culture. And if you’re not into the conventional way it’s still ok to do the first move cause we all know that we cannot find love if we're just sitting on our couch.

Another way of concluding the certain prince or princess you've just build castles in the air is familiarizing what you are on the inside. And it is practicing to love yourself. Witting what you love to do and what you don’t want to. Be au courant with the things that may help you control or identify your level of coping through adversities. By loving yourself, you’ll definitely vouchsafe a sense of positive energy to everyone that surrounds you and it will greatly give such impact to them. I believe that it is crucial to clearly point fingers on some circumstances in life that we wanted to, even from choosing the appropriate clothes to wear when going to school or even deciding where to eat lunch with our friends. Chances, expectations, and over-thinking happen so much that it schmaltz us to a hard time to do the right things, along with it, we lose sight of knowing the nature of life.

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But with all the things that happen in every way, there’s our God that magically construct the love story suits to us.

There are no coincidences; everything happens for a reason and this reason is Him.


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That is why love is exquisitely unpredictable, and as for life, all we need is just to appreciate all the blues for us to know what happiness is.


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And in the long run –

‘’ the universe will discern when we are ready, and when we are, true love will surely happen, unexpectedly.’’.

Just enjoy your journey :)


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About the author


•RN• Toddling with a Toddler• Happy Wife • Bathroom Singer•Tactless Writer • Introvert • Cheese Addict • BELIEVER •

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