Change Incorrect Spelling of Name on Birth Certificate in the Philippines

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Getting your middle name changed if it has some problems like misspelling or incorrect at all, it won’t be that much hassle compared to the previous process where in you have to hire your own personal attorney, set a public hearing and spend much money to change a letter of your name which was supposedly not your mistake but you are taking the responsibility of changing it because the local government had clerically wrong when they had typed it in the system.

As government themselves, they are unable to do any change through the local unit and would like to lengthen the process and procedure to get that one done. It’s a pain in the ass but we have been left with no option than to do it.

I am thankful that mine had been not too much stressful due as well to the changes they had made with the process. My mom asked the local office of the requirements which will testify that my name should be this and I have been bringing that certain name since I was born.

Here are the documents I provided:

Baptismal certificate
NSO authenticated Birth certificate with the error
Parent’s birth certificate
Parent’s marriage contract
School Records
Employment records

The copies of those documents were sent to NSO Manila by courier and after a month, I got my new NSO certificate with a disclaimer on the side which states:

“Pursuant to the decision rendered by MCR Conchita S. Gran dated August 09, 2010 and affirmed by CRG under OCRG No. 10-0735647, the child’s middle name and mother’s last name are hereby corrected from Butihan to Butihen”

That should be it, I forgot how much we paid for it but surely it won’t cost much at all.

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♥ saved by grace ♥

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