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Review of Related Literature


            This chapter presents the related literature and studies pertinent and helpful in the conduct of the study. These studies and literature were reviewed to gain insights on data gathering instrument and method to be used.



Related Literature


            In future, it seems inevitable that video will increase its presence and influence. Some significant factors should be improve in pictures through the adaptation of high definition standards; increasing integration of the computer with the visual media for more interactive forms of entertainment, education and training; and the availability of vastly increased number of persons of the means of the video production specially, cam recorder and related devices which could make electronic visual arts almost widespread as setting pen or brush to paper canvas (Byrd 2004).

            Tyler as cited by De Luna (2005) noted that the use of technology in the classroom projects teachers’ futuristic view of how modern learning should be and why should be adopted. For instance, the teacher desires of giving long assignments to students, they are simply trained to operate the computer which allows them the index of the subjects. At the push of the button, the chosen subject areas are presented in the screen with illustrations. This perception of the teacher on the incredible function of the computer reflects the attention, interest and right attitudes of the teacher.

            According to Salandanan (2006) technology-aided strategies are aimed and providing valuable experiences through instructional devices that can be viewed and heard. Updated information such as recent discoveries and inventions improved procedure in doing things and better products are communicated lessons and learned through pictures, films, tapes and television. Oral communication lessons could be presented through broadcasts and instructional tapes.

            According to Whetzel as cited by Byrd (2004) that television, videotape and film have the advantage of ease duplication and distribution of diverse audiences, but share lack of interaction between the learner and the instructor.

            As what Navaro said as cited by Talabis (2002) that audio-visual aids complement teaching through concrete or non-verbal experience in the learning process, while other forms of instruction merely provide verbal or symbolic experience. They further stated that audio-visual aids presents multi-sensory experience, and structure, our perception are more quickly and clearly. Thus, perceptual experience is the basis for learning and ultimate understanding of idea hinges around a correct perception of elements of the situation involved.

            According to Roblyer as cited by De Luna (2005) video technology has enhance mathematics instruction in two principal ways, adding a visual element to direct instruction and placing mathematics in the context of a story with real life implications.

            Laron as cited by Talabis (2002) stated that the use of variety of instructional materials have been proven to produce more effective and efficient learning. These materials go by any of the terms like teaching devices, teaching aids, sensory aids, and instructional materials. So that audio-visual materials are those that present reality trough the senses of hearing and sight. Such materials include motion picture, televisions, filmstrips, tape recordings, models, maps, and globes. Their impacts are both immediate and positive in a situation that is geared to literary dependent on visual image and auditory responses.

            According to Howe (2000) multimedia instruction has the following advantages: 1) it is interactive. Learners are actively engaged; 2) it is tailored to learner’s needs. Learners can take the training when they want, and at a pace that’s right for them; 3) it is cost effective. Schools need not to hire trainers in classrooms. It is especially useful in situations where users are spread over a wide area; 4) it is efficient and effective. Learners typically learn more in a short period of time with multimedia instruction; and 5) it is easy to revise and update.

            Aquino as cited by Byrd (2004) said that recent developments in educational technology have revolutionized the teaching process. The government has fully recognized the importance of innovative technologies in enhancing the quality education.

            According to Clark as cited by Jacob (2005) multimedia environments suggest to us new perception of the state to change and the integration of new technologies that can increase our ability to process information. These oblige us to change our idea of knowledge. These changes are reflected in the obvious exchange. The multimedia learning environment should not represent a passive object that only contains or assembles information but should become on one side. The communication medium of the pedagogical instruction of the teacher and on the other side, the place where  the learner reflects and where he or she can play  with tests and access information and try to interpret it, manipulate it, and have new knowledge.