chapter 3 001

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Research Methodology


            This chapter deals with the research design, subject of the study, sampling technique, research instrument, research procedure and statistical treatment applied in this study.



Research Design


Quasi-experimental evaluation designs use comparison groups rather than randomly-assigned control groups as the baseline or counter factual against which to measure net program impacts. The three most common sources for such comparison groups are: (1) eligible non-participants in the same community, (2) individuals similar to the participants from an existing data base that contains the outcome measures of interest, and (3) individuals in a matched comparison site who would have been eligible for the program if it were in that site. Evaluations using these kinds of comparison groups can effectively test for the effects of program participation on outcomes under certain conditions. New analytical approaches can be used to control statistically for the effects of potential differences between treatment and comparison groups. These approaches require longitudinal data on the outcomes of interest and their potential determinants for a period prior to program implementation. If these data are available, models of pre-program differences between the two groups can be estimated and tested, and the results can be used to interpret post-program differences between the treatment and comparison group populations.

Prior to the conduct of the experiment, a pretest will be administered to the two groups of the respondents, controlled and experimental, to check the extent of their similarities. This serves as the baseline to determine the gain score of each student.

The experimental method is for the group who will receive instruction on selected topics in Geometry from the video-assisted instruction method. The traditional method of teaching will be used to the other group. Video-assisted instruction method is now being exercised by our educators in imparting knowledge to the students to augment the traditional instruction method.