character of a good person

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          Character of a good person

Characters of a person represent the personality of a person whether they are good or bad. Characters of a person are known by the company he keeps in society. If he will keep the company of good people he will be known as a good person, and if he will keep the company of bad and wicked people it will automatically represent the personality of that person.

Character of a good person is like a tree.

Trees are always useful thing for all living things. They always give benefit to all living things. it give oxygen, wood and the great thing on which whole life of living depend” the food” to all living organism. And when their life end or they burn they give light and heat to living things. Similarly the character of good man is like tree .It always benefits the life and a man with a noble heart always shine till after death. It always remain the heart of other the noble deeds of good character man. He always shines like a star and it provides shines to the life of others.

Similarly the character of good person is like a candle which burns itself and faces hurdles but give light to character of a good man is always as like as candle. A good character man always helps others. He always tries to solve the problems of others and always looking after not only his family but his friends, his country fellows and all people of which he can. He is always honest, live far apart from corruption, and illegal work. He never does any work which is harm for others.


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