Chinese defense concerned about U.S. moves in South China Sea

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China is greatly concerned about the United States' push to "militarize the South China Sea region," Defense Ministry Spokesman Yang Yujun said Thursday.

Yang told a monthly press briefing that the recent aircraft "cruise" by U.S. Pacific Command chief Harry Harris over the South China Sea has stoked tensions in the region and increased the risk of unexpected air and maritime accidents.

Yang said that, for a long time, the United States has frequently sent military vessels and aircraft to conduct close surveillance of China in the South China Sea. It has also recently strengthened military allies, beefed up its military presence and carried out joint military drills at very short time intervals in the region.

"These moves by the U.S. make people suspect what it really wants in the region," Yang said.

In response to reports about Pacom Commander Harris' comment on the website of the U.S. Defense Department, Yang said some high-ranking officials and officers of the United States have repeatedly made "irresponsible comments" on the South China Sea over the past few weeks.

He said China is firmly opposed to the act by the U.S. side to ignore facts, deliberately play up the "military threat of China" and provoke troubles between China and its neighbors in the South China Sea.

People's Daily, China's photo.

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