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There was a time when everybody was in praise of village life. But now even village people prefer to live in cities. There are many causes of this change in the outlook of the people. A few years back it was thought that village life is more secure, more pure and easier. But now things have changed a lot. With the progress of science man’s attitude towards life, his molds of living and his ambition have undergone many changes.

Now man has got various things that are not only comfortable but also luxurious. Better means of communications and transportation better housing and health facilities, better means of entertainment, better educational institutions, more variety of clothes and different kinds of food have been included in man’s basic need of life. These “basic need of life” are not available in villages. On the other hand, telephone, television, cinema houses, hospitals, universities, colleges, parks, open houses, wide roads, gas and electricity, buses and cars and availability of all commodities of daily use with variety and abundance have made city life a pleasant dream that everybody desires to see.

But the terrorists, the dacoits, obscenity corruption black-marketing, unemployment, narcotics sectarianism, load-shedding and political chaos has turned this pleasant dream into a nightmare. Now the minds of the people living in big cities and polluted with envy and hatred Smoking is defacing their faces. They have many things to decorate their bodies but they have nothing to give solace to the souls and peace to their minds. Peaces are the product of love and self-sacrifice. Let love and self-sacrifice prevail both in cities and villages to make them worth-living.

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