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It is the part of physics that is based on Newton's laws and Macwell's electromagnetic equations. It has accomplishments as well as shortcomings, With Newton's laws we can explain falling bodies, projectiles, earth satellites, the motion of planets and other macroscopic motion. Newtonian mechanics gives us the law of conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum. Also Newton's laws, combined with molecular theory of matter, provide the kinetic theory of heat.Maxwell's equations unify the subjects of electricity and magnetism to electromagnetism. These equations predict the existance of electromagnetic waves and thus explain light waves as electromagnetic effect.


At the turn of the twentieth century a multitude of phenomena were discovered that could not be explained by the principles of classical physics. A new set of concepts were developed that from the basics of modern physics. Relativity and quantum mechanics are the two great theories of the contemporary modern physics which are fundamental theories in understanding atomic and nuclear phenomena.Some of the phenomena that could not be explained by classical concepts are: the result of Michelson-Morley experiment i.e. the constancy of the velocity of light in free space, photoelectric effect, stable atomic structure and line spectra of atomic radiation, black-body radiation spectrum, and radioactivity etc. In general, classical physics was found inadequate in the domain of high speeds and atomic sizes.