Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school.

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According to my experience, I fully agree the view that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school. I like to use following reasons to explain why I think do.

The first and most important reason is children can easily share their thoughts with peers. Undoubtedly, children can readily exchange their ideas at the front of classmates. I clearly remember that I like to confide my troubles to my little friends when I found that my parents could not utterly understand my thoughts. Sometimes when I could not get a better score, with which only my parents were not satisfied, my friends could give my understanding and comfort. Their words of comfort let me refresh to continue to study hard.

Another equally important reason is that the communication with classmates frequently is good for the cultivation of our characteristic. When we often contact with our classmates or friends, we can find our own advantages and drawbacks that I may be not conscious of at the front of our parents. Classmates can frankly point out our shortages and these helps will play an important role in our future life.

Moving on to the wider theme, young active and vigorous virtues will drive us more likely to stay with our classmates. After all, we have more topics with our friends. We can freely talk about our dreams, our idols, even our secrets, which only belong to our own.

Of course, I admit that parents can also give us many help. For example, they can teach us how to analyze positive and negative sides of every thing. When we encounter heavy difficulties, parents can give us immediate help. But if all factors are contemplated, the advantages of classmates  carry more weight than those of parents.

From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school.

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