We have this policy in our pantry as clean as you go. But since sometimes, maybe just a rebel to the pantry staff, other agents just left their left over, plates, whatever you call it, hehe in the table. They just leave without putting their used plates on the counter.
My friend Mamie Odi and Robi and me ate last time. I still remember it even though I am forgetful. hehe. after eating my friend mommy Odi says just leave it there. let them clean, sort of like that. I cant remember hehe. Then my friend Robi says "No madam, it's clay go". Mommy Odi said something about it is their job or others do it too. Robi says "No,mommy, many might be educated but few are well mannered"
This words from her, I bare it in my mind, Haha that until now I don't forget. What she said is true right? Isn't it? hehe
I will feel ashamed now if ever I will not clean what I've used. Well good thing, I never left my plate before, I may not have the same exact words as Robi says but I feel that I have to clean it. Besides I remember my college adviser before, he says in Singapore(was it Singapore? I guess) people do clay go as well after they ate in fast food, and he felt that it should be done in our own country too, in the Philippines. Uhmm well I somewhat agree. But I just did clay go once, I cant remember if I did it on Mc Donalds or on Jollibee.
What about you guys? Do you do clean as you go as well or not?