Cleaning Up My Diet Saved My Life Posted on 26 November 2014 at 04:44 How Detoxing Healed Me My health story is the story of a real detox. I'm not here to scare you and make you crazy about the toxins everywhere because sadly, it's impossible to avoid them all unless you live in a bubble, but there are ways you can help your body limit your exposure to toxins and regain your health and energy. My poor health was solely due to the toxins my body was exposed to and could not remove. When you are 25 years old, have 40 lbs. of leg swelling in your legs every day from fluid and the doctor hands you water pills to cover up the symptom, you have no other choice but to keep fighting. When you have myositis in your leg muscles and you can barely walk, you manage by going on steroids but knowing there is an answer. When you are told you have leukemia (which I didn't) and that you need TWO not one bone marrow biopsies because your bone marrow is hypo plastic, you do it and you cry and you hang on for dear life but deep down inside you know you don't have cancer. When you have c-diff colitis and you're on morphine and given 24 hours to live, you simply fight your way through the pain because you know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. When you realize at 30 years old, the doctors missed your diagnoses of Lyme disease for almost a decade, you want to cry and give up, but you don't. You detox and regain your life and your health. When you're diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and you see your ovaries covered in cysts but your Integrative MD says it can be healed you believe him. And you heal. The moral of my story as I've mentioned to you is that toxins are nearly everywhere — in the air, in certain plastics, even in your shower curtain. It may seem that toxins are inescapable. But don't despair. If you can learn anything from my story, it is that there are ways to lessen your contact with toxins and lead a healthier, cleaner life. I often write about the struggles I've faced the last few years, how I truly healed and how I work with clients on healthy eating and building back their immune systems. I also help people understand how Integrative Medicine can truly save your life; I list out the tests you can get for internal inflammation that Western Medicine does not run and give guidance to clients when they're getting false negatives from Western medicine blood work tests, CT Scans, MRI's, etc. (like I once did). These are the tests that gave me answers; these are the tests that saved my life. Was it easy? Heck no. Did I miss out on my 20s? Well, I don't look at it that way. I learned a lot, quit my corporate job and now I am living my dream. My goal is to help others who are frustrated and exhausted with Western medicine and can't get a diagnosis or are on pharmaceutical drugs to mask the symptoms of their diagnosis. There is hope. There is an answer. Breathe and remember to keep fighting until you get an answer because your answer IS out there.