Education system plays a vital role in making the world a better place to survive in a respectful and civilized manner. A country can develop only if it has a strong education system because there would be no progress without education. Making people educated is the foremost necessity of a society.
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A good education system develops gender equality, with the respect of one another. It’s the responsibility of the system to develop such an environment where gender discrimination is not followed.
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Most of the education system follows that system, where both genders study to-gather with dignity and respect. But still some people or some system have conflict, they did not respect that system. Hundreds of doubts are there regarding such system. Let see it thoroughly;
A system where both genders (male and female) study to-gather in the same educational institute or center to get themselves educated is called co-education system.
Importance of Co-Education System
In that system, they study equally with being co-operated from one another and also from the institution. Helping one another and getting knowledge from fellow students would be beneficial for them. Different groups study to-gather to share the concept of one another, in a respected way.
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Many institutions take this as a healthy system and would implement it. This is the duty of system to develop a climate of respect between the students. Both are given equal status and rights. On the other side, the same amount would oppose that co-education system.
Let see some of the advantages of that system:
Develop Respect for Opposite Gender
Studying in an education system where both gender study with equal status develops mutual respect for one another. Living and studying at the same institute would let them understand the nature of one another. This would develop their mutual understanding.
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They take part in different activities like academics, sports or cultural etc with one another and help each other in performing different activities. They let know the nature of fellows and behave according to that nature. Being with opposite gender for a long time allows you to know the strength and flaws of one another, that will help them accept people with different personalities.
Reduction of Fear of Opposite Gender
As there are a lot of differences in both the genders in their behavior and habits, that brings out hesitation in making a healthy conversation with one another, that problem can be faced by both girls and boys.
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This can be overcome by developing an environment where both the genders interact with one another in a friendly manner without being hesitated. Co-Education system allows them to do so. In future both the genders have to face that, therefore they must be trained enough to talk to opposite sex with ease. This system reduces shyness and hesitation among students.
Helps to develop a Healthy Competition
Competition is very important in every phase of life, whether it’s personal or professional. And in the educational field, its importance increases ten times. A healthy competition is very important in studies to buck up yourself. As it’s a natural fact that in front of opposite gender, we try to give our best whether it is in studies or sports.
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This education system helps us to improve our standards and make us able to compete. Failure also teaches us a lot, so that when we go to professional life we are able to accept the up and downs of life bravely. Co-Education teach us a lot about living in a competitive world. It teaches us how to rebuild yourself after getting failed.
Development of Self-esteem
Self-esteem is much important and to develop in a nice way is also necessary. The better place to start it is the educational institutions where you face all types of personalities and meet different persons. The system having Co-education starts building self-esteem and dignity of a person at early stages.
The student with a thinking that they are nothing or worthless are especially focused, and help them to boost up what they are. Special sessions are arranged for that student to make them understand that they are not less than anyone, taking their-self inferior is a wrong thinking.
Personal Grooming
As personal grooming is much important in every field whether it is education or a business field. When you are studying with opposite gender making yourself physically good is also matter for you.
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This system helps you to work on your personal appearance, hairstyle, and makeup. You make yourself tidy enough so that people would get impressed. You would be updated according to the fashion going on. You start experimenting with your looks and transform into a better-looking person.
Trained to Survive in Future
As man and women are taken like the wheels of a car that runs only if both are able to work with each other. In co-education system, both are taught how to co-exist in life. Teamwork on different projects at the early stages provided by the system develops the environment of co-existence in both of them.
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From working on a project to marriage is all about a teamwork that can be successful only if both know how to be with one another. In this way, co-education would be helpful for them to push them to work with one another.
Character Development
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According to different research, it has been revealed that children behave well and civilized in the presence of opposite gender. Hence, the scenario of being well with the opposite sex would be helpful in the development of personal character.
Co-education setup, that system in which being in front of opposite sex force us to behave well and give respect to others. This practice helps us a lot in our character development.
Give Personal Confidence
Learning the whole life in a system where you deal only with the same gender, would be harmful to your future life. When you don’t know how to talk with opposite sex, it would be embracing for you in the professional life where you have to deal with male and female confidentially.
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Co-Education hence gives you confidence in yourself by teaching you the phenomena of dealing opposite sex. You are ready and confident enough to face everyone after existing in co-education system.
Removes Discrimination
Conflicts and quarrels among the people of opposite sex are mostly observed in the home or at the office or at learning institutions. This happens due to misunderstandings, misconceptions, ignorance, and having no respect for the opposite gender.
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This can be improved by having better understanding between both of them. Co-Education system somehow lay down the foundation of making them understand each other. Knowing each other would develop an environment of trust and respect between them. So discrimination reduces and equality remains.
Equality in Opportunity
When both the gender live to-gather, study to-gather and learn to-gather, both develop the same skills and specialties. Both know how to work in filed, only men are not preferred for work then ladies are also marked.
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Ladies also getting opportunities for making their life better. Co-Education put forward the equality of both, which helps both of them to be considered in the society as a responsible citizen . Both enjoy equal status in life.