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Co-education is a system in which students of both are educated together.

In western countries,it has been in fasion for a long time.

Some muslim countries ave also adopted this system.But still it is a controversial issue.

Some people argue in favour of this system.

Some accept it as a necessary evil.

Co-education has its pros and cons.

Those who are against it say that islam bans free mixing of both the sexes.

In hot climates children become youngs at an early age.But theyremain immature mentally.

In youth,many emotional and physical changes occur.

These changes are very forceful.

Tey may lure our youth into sensual pleasure.

And co-education provides them with changes for such mistakes.

The supporters of this system say that this system promotes a great competition between both the sexes in their studies.

It also boosts confidence in our youth.

Thus it should be encouraged.

No doubt ,co-education has its benefits: But its harms are far more threatening.

Therefore we should adopt moderate approach.

We should accept it as a necessary evil till separate institution for the both sexes are set up.

However we should make sincere efforts in this regard.

Government should build separate institutions for both the sexes.

It  will help those girls who cannot continue their system in co-education system.






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