Comic Con 2011!

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I was at Comic Con last week and it was, of course, fantastic.
Here's what I was up to there:

This con marked the first time I was in a hotel within walking distance to the convention center which was great. Also great was the fact I was staying with my fellow Emersonian Andrew Rostan (A good friend and Jeopardy winner!) who has just written the new graphic novel ‘An Elegy for Amelia Johnson,’ which is published by Archaia Comics.

Also in the hotel room was the comic artist M.P Mann who also draws for Archaia and with whom I had some excellent creative conversations. So I was surrounded by great comic writers and artists right off the bat.

I didn’t go to too many panels but was lucky enough to get into all the ones I wanted.

On Thursday I saw Rick Baker give a retrospective of his career and discuss Men in Black III (which I am actually interested in, having seen his new old fashioned alien designs for the 60s time travel bits, all inspired by AIP and Paul Blaisdell designs!).

Thursday night I saw a preview screening of Attack the Block and it was AMAZING. Everyone: SEE IT!

On Friday I saw Roman Dirge speak and then went to the Children’s Hospital panel which was the funniest thing ever. They showed a new episode and without spoiling anything let me just say that all fans of Party Down will LOVE this episode…

I also saw the pilot for the Locke and Key television show which Fox DIDN’T pick up. GOOD LORD IT WAS AMAZING. So spooky and spot on. It is utterly TRAGIC that it is not actually becoming a series….

Saturday I saw the Community panel in which it was revealed that the actor who played Omar in The Wire will be playing an intense biology teacher in season 3…HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!??

Also awesome was the full scale South Park town outside you could walk through and in which there was an art gallery of different famous artists interpreting the show. The highlight for me was the last supper spoof painted by RON ENGLISH. Wow.

I also saw the Knights of Badassdom panel. Let me tell you that Peter Dinklage is one super suave dude.

On Sunday I did indeed see the giant Doctor Who panel in Hall H which was exciting and showed off the new season in clips already online…So good.

The greatest moment for me however came while I was hanging out with my friends outside a bar, waiting for a table. Behind us showed up two popped collar typical bro type dudes…Local San Diego folk. The one said loudly to his other friend, very near to us, that he just hated Comic Con and how it made the whole city get over run by geeks and nerds.

He said this loudly, expecting my friends and I to just, oh, I dunno, be subservient and take it. Well of course I didn’t do that and I turned the tables on him by responding and laughing loudly that ‘yeah, we’re all asssholes! Man do we SUCK!’

The bro chump was so taken aback that I called him out on his douchebaggery that he apologized worriedly for stereotyping us all and asked us who we were. He was further taken aback to find out we were all professionals, namely, two animators, one writer, and one press member and professional burlesque dancer…So yeah, if he was hoping we’d turn out to be typical fanboy geeks with no real jobs he was sorely disappointed.

By this time his friend began chuckling openly at him for being so shot down publicly by me and the two eventually scuttled around the corner to wait at a distance further from us.

So…basically, I felt like I had WON Comic Con that night.


About the author


Charles Pieper is a stop motion animator, concept artist, director, editor and monster maker who lives in Los Angeles. He has made music videos for the bands Dufus, Summerbirds in the Cellar, Setting Sun, Quitzow, Brit and the Cavalry, Skidmore Fountain, Lo Fi Sugar, YesMisterBloodVessel, and Man's Assassination, Man. He…

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