Compare information (of at least 2 competitors)

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Get information from at least two successful competitors. Look at their activity on their website and social media. You can do the following:

• Get an idea on what works. If their tactics work, you can incorporate those to your own strategies. 
• Study their content strategy

- What type of content do they post? Is their post informative, promotional, humorous, etc. 
- What social media platforms do they use? Should you have an account on each as well? 
- What about their community engagement? How often do they interact with their fans?

Content and social media

These two should go hand in hand. Part of your duty for your customers is to educate them. You should provide the necessary information that they need. Great content does not reach people without social media just as social media is not relevant without a great content.

Set a voice for your company. How do you want to be perceived on social media?

• Choose which platform will bring leads and returns. 
• Know which social networks you should focus on based on the time spent online by prospects. 
• Check the best practices. Make it work with your own tactics.

Specific time to post should only be a guideline. Consistent testing is needed as each person is unique. In addition, you may want to set a post limit. Annoying your audience with bulk posts will not help you in any way.

Have specific limits

When do you consider that your goal is achieved? Some successes vary with different businesses. Several businesses just want to rank higher while some want to be popular by getting many leads. However, both can generate potential sale because they reach and connect with their customers.