We have all a lot to complain in this world, starting from our fake designer clothes, pirated sneakers, heavy volume of traffic, slow internet connection, low salary, expensive commodities and a whole lot more..
But did it come at least once in our mind that we do have a lot more to thank than to complain compared to others? We have a decent shelter, nice clothes, a regular job enough to support at least 3 meals a day. We have time to go online and post a status, or comment on Facebook using our smartphones. We have healthy kids who go to school regularly, friends to socialize during free time, a fresh air every morning, peaceful community without hearing gunshots, airstrike and mortars falling from the sky... These are things we took for granted and failed to acknowledge because we have the luxury of time enjoying it regularly, things we consider as small things but actually a great blessing to others. And yet we still have a lot to COMPLAIN.
I think it would be nice to thank every little blessings that we have rather than to complain about all the things we don't have....
Just think of this " We keep on complaining about the old sneakers we have, what about those people who doesn't have any feet to put their shoes on?"
Most of us are blessed and lucky enough to have all the little things we are enjoying everyday. Maybe It's time for us to start THANKING and stop COMPLAINING...