Computer Networking PART1

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        Two or more then two computers are connected with each others called networking OR  Interconnected set of autonomous computers.The autonomous computer mean the computers can perform function independent with each others.

          In 1969 the company ARPANET was try to do experiment on networks,the ARPANET was just started with 4 node just as experiment and the university of california at Los agnles university of santabarba and university of uath was connected in this experiment first time they use 50 kbite/circuits Packet switch is the product of ARPANET.

         Know the problem is the bandwith in early years people use satellites and optical fiber allow high speed data communication

Broad cast all the nodes are in networks best example is Bus topology.Means we can send data from any node and well receive in all node.


Broad casting send data in all computers simultaneously .some broadcasting allow multicasting .IN multicasting the data can send in sub set of nodes in networks.




    Point to Point network. Pairs are node may be present in exiting connection means when data send from any node may be each will not reach directly its destination may be it well go multiple routers .

   Simplex The simplex can only allow the transmission in one direction like TV and Radio etc

                 Types of computer networking.

    !`.. LAN(Local Area Network)

    2..MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

    3..WAN(Wide Area Network)

          1  LAN(Local Area Network)

                  In local area network connect the computer with each others in a specific area like in any building,school, or in any office .Basically LAN is use for to share the information related from any hardware or software .

       2  MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) 

               In MAN the number of computers are connecting with each others like in a city or any large campus etc.It may be a signal network or may the connection of number of LAN.The example are cable TV.etc.

       3  WAN(Wide Area Network)

              In WAN the tow or more the tow computers are connecting with each other in world wide base mean the WAN covered large geographical area like the Internet is the example of WAN where the connection of networks.

                       NETWORK TERMINOLOGIES 

                 That's important for any one to know how to manage in we try few basic network terminologies 

    Data .Date is piece of information.all software contain the program and data.each program contain group of instruction of may be in different forms.

   Date Rate. The speed of data that transferred from one computer to other or from any peripheral devices

   Baud Rate.the baud rate is a rate in which information transfer from one communication channel to other.

   Peak Data Rate.Peak data rate is one of the fastest data transfer rate and available in short bursts during data transfer activities.

  Bursty Data.The burst data refer to transferred or transmitted in short uneven spurts.