Computer Networking PART2

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         Today we discuss the Type of Network topologies.Before this we discuss the physical and logical topolgies.In physical topologies we discuss the different components of devices like cable installation etc.While in logical topologies we discuss the follow of data.there are basically 5 type of topologies in LAN.

  1.  Bus topology 
  2.  Star topology
  3.  Ring topology
  4.  Mesh topology
  5.  Hybrid topology


           1  Bus Topology 

                In bus topology all the computers are connected in a single cable line.Bus topology easy to install ,useless the cable but difficult to find out the fault and if one cable are cut from any where all the network will stop look like


            2 Star Topology

               In star topology all the computers are connecting through a central computer which is called hub.When from any computer in star topology send data the data first go hub after this find out the IP go for final point.The performance is better .take advantage from centralization and Isolation of devices.While if hub is fail all the network well down and stop look like


        3 Ring Topology

                  All the nodes are connected point to point when the signal or message send it well through all node reach the destination.The traffic is in only one direction.Its easy to install,perform better function the bus topology under the traffic and easy to resolve the fault.While in Ring topology the undirectional traffic and if break the ring the entire network well go shut down.It look like 


            4 Mesh Topology

                           In Mesh topology all the nodes are connected with each others,The traffic can only control 2 devices and the series of Mesh topology is N(n-1)/2.N is a device while each node have n-1 input/ouput ports.It is secure,robust and eliminate traffic problem.While difficult in installation,many ports are need in each device and also expensive due to huge cable.It look like as


    5 Hybrid Topology

                The hybrid topology are also called Tree topology.In this topology with top of central node(Root) tow or more then two nodes are connected in hierarchy lower level with point to point link between the second level node and the top level central node(root).It is scalable and more manageable.While maintenance may be the issue.It look like





    Network devices 

                        The devices that use in Network connection are lot off but we discuss here the few important one like 

     1 node

    2 NIC

   3 Modem 

   4 Access point

   5 Hub 

   6 Bridge

  7 Router


       1  Node is a a connection point.redistributed point or the end point at any network It basically depend on ISO layer of networking

       2 NIC is a network interface card are basically installed in computer use for communicate in network.The network adopter provide number of ports for more computer connection.

      3 Modem when our computer connected with any telephone line for internet that time the modem use because the telephone line use analog signal, while computer use digital signal so the modem use to convert the analog signal into digital signals.

      4 Access point in wireless the access point are use.basically it work as a hub in wireless.use for connect different computer through wireless or wifi signals.Work as central transmitter or receiver of wirless radio signals.

    5 Hub hub basically is a central computer through which all the computers are connecting like in star topology.

    6 Bridge it basically use for segments and also allow to one computer to use other segment,It divide large networks into smaller segments.Bridge is a feature of repeater but have number of node because it divide the huge network.Bridge are operate in physical and data link layer. 

   7 Router it allows to forward the segment into packages from one logical network to use in large networks and us TCP/IP protocol IN three layers are use using TCP/IP protocol for find out the destination to send the packets of data