IP address is a exclusive number use in online devices and for communication in network.Each computer have own and different IP address from each others. IP Address Much similar to the mailing address. IP address also called Lookup Address mean identify the location or locator of IP address etc
Its is an forth version development Internet protocol and it resolve most traffic in internet.IPV4 is a conectionless protocol use packet switch and use best delivery protocol that.s why provide guarantee in delivery.In IPV4 protocol use various classes the few basic one are
1 Class A Address
The first bit of any ocet is zero and its frist ocet range start from 1-127.The class A include the IP from 1*** to 124** only the range 127 is use for loopback IP Address.THe subnet mask IP address of Class A ia which implies the class A address that have 126 network (27-2) and 16777214 host (224-2),the format of Class A IP Address is 0NNNNNN.HHHH.The Class A address are look like
2 Class B Address
In Class B the frist two ocet of the IP is strat with 10.its addresses range start from 128*** to 1921.255.**.The sub net mask of Class B are 255.255.**.Class B have the network 16384 (214) and its host address are 65534 (216-2).Its format are 10NNN.HHH .It look like
3 CLass C Address
The frist three ocet are start with 110.Its range start from 192.0.0.* to 223.255.255.* His subnet mask are 255.255.255.*It give the networks 2097152 (221) and host address is 254 (28-2).Its format are 110.NNN.HHH and look like
4 Class D Address
In Class D the first four ocet bits are set 1110.His range from to Class D are use for multicasting data in Multicasting data not from any particular host so no need for host address here and also have no sub net mask address.It look like as
5 Class E Address
This IP address is just only use for experimental purposes like for R&D or study.It range from to and it have no subnet mask
IPV6 is next generation protocol.It is a great development after IPV4 few problems in IPV4 just to improve the IPV4 Like IPV4 is week in security so IPV6 provide full security. IPV6 contain large Address space,improves packets-forwarding efficiency,It make able the nodes to determine their own address,improve use of one to many communication means multicasting,it have the ability to have large packets pay loads for greater efficiency,It also provide network layer security.It makes QOS quality of service means the label the packets and identify priority traffic,It use anycast means using nonunique address and also handling the mobile or roaming nodes.
Routed protocol and Routing Protocol.
Routed protocol use for Data route.It use the protocol like apple talk and IPX in these protocol need to have addressing scheme and subnetting, Address schemes define the netwrok that belong with which host and identify host on particular network know a days only use two routed protocol that;s IP and IPX the iPX not much use but the IP is use much.
Routing protocol just only use in routing.It basically use to maintain and build the router tables.it have three class for routing protocal like Distance vector ,Link state and hybrid.Distance vector are in EIGRP.Hybrid in IS-IS EIGRP and OSPF is one of two link state protocol.