Controll Your Diet

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As my subject say control your diet, its mean eat only healthy thing which need your body daily basis much eating may called diseases. Today I want to share with you some method which may control your diet plan.



Drink Penalty of Water

When your stomach is full of water it stop send signal to brain for food and you don't feel any food unless all water may exit through urine. Water pass through digestive system quickly. After drinking 4 glass of water when urine exit it will automatically loss weight and keep you fit.

Work Out

You probably know that exercise burn the calories. American Journal of Psychology say that daily 1 hour exercise may keep you away from disease if you eat 1 apply daily he keep you away 10 days long from doctor. Every one heard the statement "USE IT OR LOSE IT" if you don't use your body you lose it. Exercise help us prevent from disease. Everyday exercise keep you away from disease, cancer, debate's, etc. Exercise strength your muscles, todays all over the world may Jim open we need to go their for better of fit life. Exercise increase stamina when you go daily for exercise you body move aerobic exercise including walking, cycling when you run your all body organ may active and it release body odor which exit all dirty bacteria from your body and keep you fit. 

Eat Health

Eat healthy mean eating when your body need of food or water need to tell todays majority of people eat excessively when they go any function dear friend its your body when you eat much It feel you lazy so eat healthy. Drinking penalty of water when you wakeup eat one egg juice etc which may increase protein in your body.



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