Converterof Fahrenheit,Centrigade

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PROGRAMMING (using Borland CPP)

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()


char choosing;
float celsius,fahrenheit;
cout<<"Select an option #1 , #2 , #3:\n";
cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\n";
cout<<"1. Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit\n";
cout<<"2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius\n";
cout<<"3. Exit the Program\n";cout<<"\n";cout<<"\n";
cout<<"....................\n"; cout<<"\n";

        cin >> choosing;

if(choosing == '1')
cout<<"#1. Enter the temperature in Celsius: ";
cin>>celsius; cout<<"\n";
fahrenheit =  (celsius*9) / 5 + 32;
cout<<"Answer: \n"; cout<<fahrenheit; cout<<"\n";
cout<<"....................\n";  cout<<"\n";

if (choosing =='2')
cout<<"#2.Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: ";
celsius =  (fahrenheit-32)*5/9;
cout<<"Answer: \n"; cout<<celsius; cout<<"\n";
cout<<"....................\n"; cout<<"\n";

goto loop;

if(choosing == '3')

cout<<"(: BYEEEEEEEEEEE :) "; cout<<endl;break;
return 0;


About the author


Joren Bautista Jugadora is the name behind this cutie Avatar♥From the City of Waterfalls Iligan,I am a 90s kiddo,20 year young, taking the course in Industries Filled at MSU-IIT.I am a Graphic Artist.I am kind and approachable.but I am moody. Meet me in person for more info. ^^

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