Crypto as Alternative Investment

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There has been a lot of controversy in crypto currencies.  Lots of scams lots of coins have come and gone.  I believe its time for the next stage.  I believe Crypto should be used like venture capital along with the innovation that is taking place.  That's why I started Powcoin.  I wanted to create a crypto that can be used as an alternative investment since most cryptos like Bitcoin  Litecoin do not store any value.  We will be pegging Powcoin to the price of silver by purchasing 1% of the pow from the market.  In return I will mail they equivalent amount of physical silver ( will round to 1 ounce if 1% pow = <1 ounce of silver ) We will do this every quarter. Powcoin is also the crypto of the comic world.  If merchants want to accept pow they can have access to our comic stash with limits or exchange the Powcoin they have for BTC.  We are currently reaching out to artist about special deals promos and arrangements.  Creators of pow also plan to innovate Proof of work, the method by which new cyrpto is generated threw rewards, by allowing users to design their own apps to appropriate PoW going forward as Powcoin matures.  We are also ironing out deals with non-affliated businesses.  So come join the innovation !! Go to Bleutrade and buy some pow or go to and mine some powcoin.  Either way you are taking a step into a future of technology and investment.

About the author


I like to make hip hop music study the stock market and live a relaxed life in general.

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