ÉCU 2012 Launch Party!

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ÉCU's 2012 Launch Party at Le Scop Club was such a success we can't help but share the fun of the night! Here are a selection of photos that give a little insight into the party. And yes, it was just as fun as it looks! // La soirée de lancement ÉCU 2012 à Le Scop Club a été un grand succès que nous ne pouvons pas s'empêcher de partager le plaisir de la nuit! Voici une sélection de photos qui donnent un petit aperçu de la soirée. Et oui, c'était tout aussi amusant qu'il n'y paraît!


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The European Independent Film Festival discovers, promotes and projects only the BEST independent films from around the world every year in Paris, France.

The selected titles represent the pinnacle of contemporary filmmaking talent from around the world and compete for the title of "Europe's Best Independent Film".


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