cua always has been a major turistic destination

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rich in nicke(coiins), bauxite(aluminium), guantanamo  is there, flórida always full of cubanos!they can stay in américa with the same visa 5 years!fidel was atorney, sOn of gallegos, in fb there´s pictures of him lacking the cohiba which is a lay for everybody smoked everywhere and he smoked como 1 cavalo till recently, pt always had embassy in habana, 56% od cybanos hotels are spaniards, cohiba is spaniard

About the author


graduated in english first certificate by cambridge, art history at u.porto that is the topest portuguese colege and the 100th worldwide!i live at r.manuel luís da costa,155-a, r/c esq., 3700-179 s.joão da madeira, portugal

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