Dalai Lama Victim of BRICS Solidarity? By Ambassador mo

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South African government did not grant visa despite invite from fellow Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu to the Dalai Lama. Failure to grant visa is speculated to be due to Beijing’s efforts to isolate the Tibetan spiritual leader and Beijing's pressure on other governments including South Africa and not to allow entry. I have little doubt that South Africa’s political leaders were deferring to their Chinese counterparts. BRICS Political/Diplomatic Coordination: South Africa is the newest member of the BRICS - (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa). While these countries had initially found common ground as trading partners (resource suppliers and users), they are trying to effect also a more politically/diplomatically coordinate positions, including at the United Nations. (READ – China & Russia Veto Syria UN Security Council Resolution –BRICS Abstain” - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/china-russia-veto-syria-un-security-council-resolution-by-ambassador-mo/35786 ) My sources indicate that the BRICS are trying to coordinate positions within the Security Council, particularly when the US and/or NATO is at issue. However, effectively failing to grant visa to the Dalai Lama breaks new ground and some old allegiances – the Dalai Lama was an ally of the anti-apartheid movement and many of South Africa’s new democratic leaders, including the African National Congress. Many of South Africa’s original ANC leaders protested at what they saw as their government’s political and moral failure. Will Beijing Come to Define Political Freedom, Openness & Human Rights for South Africa & BRICS? China’s economic influence is significant, and undoubtedly US and/or NATO positions do not deserve a blank check. Nonetheless, it would be unfortunate if one of freedom’s great success stories in the last century – end of Apartheid – sees the new free and democratically elected government giving lower priority to human rights and freedom than to BRICS political expediency and economic links. China may represent many positives or not, but it has not evidenced diligence in defending and thus defining the bounds the bounds of political openness and human rights, and especially for a people and country as South Africa and its struggles. After all, it is possible for South Africa to be independent of Washington and NATO without now becoming a party to China’s own efforts to suppress dissent. China, as well as Europe and the US, need South Africa’s resources and friendship as much or more as the other way. If South Africa’s effort though is to build a new political/diplomatic alliance within BRICS, the full considerations of such may not yet be evident to Washington, Brussels or perhaps even South Africa’s leadership. ARTICLE – “What Objective the BRICS – [4-15-2011] “- diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/what-objectives-of-the-brics-by-ambassador-mo/27275 By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey Facebook Become a Fan at “Diplomatically Incorrect” Twitter – Follow at DiplomaticallyX “War Crimes Justice” Channel - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/c/war-crimes-justice

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"Voice of the Global Citizen"- Diplomatically Incorrect (diplomaticallyincorrect.org) provide film and written reports on issues reflecting diplomatic discourse and the global citizen. Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey (@MuhamedSacirbey) is former Foreign Minister Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina at the United Nations. "Mo" is also signatory of the Rome Conference/Treaty establishing the International…

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