D'anam don diabhal

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A steady roll for months and the production is finally starting to pick up speed. We have picked out some locations and have a short (dream) list of actors to approach. We are trying our damndest not to compromise whist at the same time understand that we may struggle closing off Oxford Street for the busy shopping centre in which the film is set...and so we must be creative in our compromises and turn them into positives. The street we seem to have is perfect in many ways and it seems we should have complete access to get shots from above and close off a road in which to film. So the Ducks are getting excited about the shots available and I am a giddy kipper about the prospect of working with actors again.

One slight issue is how to sell it. Shouldn't be a problem but whilst it is a film set at Christmas it is far from a Christmas film. The tone is light hearted yet busy then extremely aggressive and violent then heart breaking and I have no doubt will leave the audience in a state of shock. This is a good thing and I think will make a memorable short film but the film isn't specifically representative of the feature film it introduces; it is the only scene set in the city for one. The rest of the feature is a much more spiritual journey of discovery thought it is light hearted then extremely aggressive then heart breaking so maybe it's not such a bad calling card of what to expect?


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