Denoising footage in Nuke! - expotees update - #17

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I've now begun experimenting with the 'De-noise Simple' node, which involves removing noise from the footage plate so that I can add clarity to the footage. So far it's going quite well, and with the picture you can compare the before and after of going from noise to de-noise. In some areas of the footage I found it fairly hard to remove the noise, because it involves scrubbing different channels and extracting the channels that construct RGB. So where I remove some green, it might damage a green area. In the end I managed to find the right balance. Now that I've managed to reduce a fair amount of noise from the plate, I am going to move on to experimenting more with other nodes such as edge bluring and hue correcting to further fit the logo and shadow into the footage.



- Josh Docherty - 3D Modeller & vfx artist

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