All progress that man has made is based on his work and labour . We find that in this
world, we can get nothing without labour. We have various scientific inventions because of
labour. If people had not laboured and worked, We would never have had railways, motors,
ships, aeroplanes , radios . Televisions and telephones. Again if the farmers do not plogh
the soil there would be no crops. If the masons carpenters and weavers do no labour, there
will be no houses to shelter us and no clothes to cover our bodies . In short work and
labour is the most important principle life.Work is of two kinds: Manual and Mental .
Manual work is work done with hands. Mental work
is related to mind, thinking and planning . In the past manual work was the hob of the
slaves. Even today the rich people usually think that a man who works in the office is
superior to the man who works in the field. People like office hobs to earn more respect;
they do not like to be motor machanics. Experience shows that a coach driver or taxi
driver earn much more than a clerk. The reason for this attitude is that work done with
hands is not thought to be something respectable . We must be realistic and give the
manual worker a place of dignity in our society. There is nothing shameful or undignified
in manual labour. Even modern world is devoid of good examples of the dignity of labour. This healthy idea
is the cause of progress and development in advanced countries. In china, every one has
to work for sometimes in the fields or in a factory . The son of a president of the U . S . A . went out early in the morning to sell newspapers.
Poors students work in hotels in America, earn money and continue their studies. The President of the U.S.A dust
off his own office . The reason is that they believe in the dignity of labour. They avoid
employing personal servants. For them, that person is respectable who works with his own
hand, who is not burdan on others. We should revive their idea in our society also.