Discrimination is to disregard the importance of the individual, who have similar tantamount. with the word (difference) is different because of the difference of righteous superiority. Discrimination is prohibited unless the difference is morally permissible and is considered an immoral act. Problems such as discrimination, malice, revenge, lack of confidence, and the space ... It does not matter the time, and that the discrimination in the family, the nation and the world, including various forms of discrimination, such as gender, racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic, etc..
Affirmative, meaning discriminatory practices against minorities in Pyshgrft way to correct that, historically, have been deprived of some or many social benefits. Positive discrimination of minorities refers to the social privileges of the minority’s equal access to these privileges.
Afghanistan is a country where most people have experienced suffering. Afghanistan is the main cause of social problems, ethnic discrimination and prejudice blind Koran that the individual vigilant, but the atmosphere and power demand is fueled. Ethnic and tribal society to the absurd prejudices she would never see the happiness and comfort.
Ethnic prejudices of their monopoly power to exclude others and encouraged to make every crime and corruption. The person ethnicities and ethnic discrimination that take place in Afghanistan, the largest illegal stock Afgndgy and all the people of Afghanistan. Afghan tribes together as brothers and equal in all human beings have inherent value of humanity and human dignity. If I clear: the root of all misery in Afghanistan, ethnic prejudice and political interests of certain persons who are trying to blind Kvranh demands and inhuman to impose their ethnic Brayer noble people of Afghanistan. Afghanistan in the hope of a united front and away from any kind of discrimination!