Do You Take 7 Hours Sound Sleep At Night?

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Good morning friends, We all want a rest after we work in a similar line our body is amazing machine created by God and it need rest too after the whole day work and constantly it is working.when we come home from office we get tired and at bed time we are so tired that we get a sound sleep.Some people are so workaholic that they sleep but then they wake up in 3 hours and not take the complete rest of 7 hours.If you take a nice 7 hours sleep in night then you wont imagine when you wake up how fresh you will be.And with fresh mind you can work more productive.So avoid late night work and go to bed early so that you can wake up early in the morning.

The early morning time 4:00 AM is the best time for programming your subconscious mind with goal setting and goal remembrance.So use that time
for that and that is the reason you need to go to bed early