New, more effective and less intrusive means of fundraising are highly desirable as both economics and good manners compel a fresh perspective – austerity is affecting private and public sources. With many individuals/institutions advocating aid staying local and “helping your own first,” international causes/foundations are frequently shoved to the background. Subjecting your supporters to intrusive requests for money can be both a turn-off and counterproductive in developing a community of supporters/advocates. Financial resources are best secured without harassing pressure, with significant knowledge conveyed of issues and benefits involved and with perhaps even a greater sense of empowerment/involvement by the contributor.
Facebook (FB) appears to provide all of the above opportunities. However, recent data and a great article by John Haydon, a recognized expert on social media and smn4p (social media for not for profits), cast credible doubt on effectiveness of FB as an actual point for direct donations. (Read John’s Article -
www.johnhaydon.com/2011/12/does-facebook-really-work-for-fundraising/). However, as John points out, it is not about FB as the point of donation but the overall fundraising approach.
For any foundation/cause, FB is an important part of the strategy, but it is perhaps even more critical for international oriented considerations:
FB helps most effectively bring together a “global village” in manner that is now significantly more concrete than when term was coined more than almost half century earlier, (Although closely associated with Hillary Clinton, term was launched by Marshall McLuhan books). Social Media helps further perspectives of shared values and humanity - overcomes notions that the other is either too different or distant.
“Community” is essential to effective and sustained fundraising and other forms of activism. It builds sense of shared purpose and prompts individuals and sub-groups to work and compete to do more. Read: - “Engaging Global Citizen-Online Community” -http://diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/engaging-global-citizen-online-community-by-ambassador-mo/44169.
Public/Private partnerships are becoming more common. (See everything from Planned Parenthood to GAVI). Even if fundraising from public may be overshadowed by commitment from governments and institutions, raising awareness, branding and/or political support may be critical for a successful and sustainable effort. (Is current shortfall at Global Fund indication of not giving enough attention to public appeal and political/awareness/branding consequences?)
Identity of “global citizen” complements assistance to worthy causes across borders. The Internet gives greater sense and functionality to our shared humanity and planet. Diplomatically Incorrect is not a foundation, and we are not fundraisers (although we may amplify appeals on behalf of other worthy causes). Assistance in areas of education, vaccination, development and/health care may all be more effective in countering terror and conflict.
Is FB a good fundraising tool for global causes/foundations? More than as a donation point, employ it as the focal of community activism, exchanges, involvement, empowerment and developing sense of shared purpose Results are in terms of more tangible contributions but further support that aids in the funding and functioning.
By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey - FOLLOW mo @MuhamedSacirbey
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