Does Your Crush Like You Back?: For Girls

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Dear girls, 

I am also a girl but growing up with a brother and many guy friends, I have figured out some ways to tell if he likes you or not. If he does any of the following things, then he likes you! However, if he doesn't, i'm sorry to say but he might not like you.

1. Do you talk to him often? If he texts you daily or as often as he can then that means he WANTS to talk to you.

2. Does he compliment you? He's probably trying to flirt with you and is hoping you'll flirt with him back.

3. Does he ever ask you to hangout or initiates hanging out with you? This means he wants to see you and possibly get a chance to ask you out. 

4. Does he talk about his crush but leave it a mystery? Telling only small details to make it impossible for you to know who it is? Here's a little tip, listen closely to the details because he may be describing you!


I hope this helped you realize if he likes you or not! If he doesn't do any of these things, then sorry but he might not like you back.  Comment down below if i helped! I really hope i helped some of you!(:

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