dream- nightmares - why does it occur

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Any one may have had nightmares. I think it occurs because of stress in real life rather than the food we snack.

Yesterday I had a dream with so many different situations, first one seeing a zombie and someone declaring him to be a zombie and others accepting it.
It was scary. Then suddenly the situation changed and I saw myself visiting a famous Muruga temple in south India. I was so happy, I remembered later, during the dream.

I thought about this and came to the conclusion that the dreams occurred because of my stress at the moment.

Next time you have a scary dream, try to remember at least one good reason that might have caused it.

Try finger yoga mudra to reduce stress

About the author


I am an online content writer and my passion is writing poetry. I am a housewife and also love to do other things like manage the farm and read.

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