Dreams: Posted on 02 April 2015 at 02:59 You grow up having aspirations and inspirations from the people around you: your parents, your siblings, your relatives, your teachers, your circumstances, your financial conditions, all sum up to contribute those dreams that you set up for yourselves to acheive. Those might be as small as making someone smile, giving a hug to someone, wiping someone's tears away, holding someone's hand, lending your shoulder to someone.... Or maybe as large as conquering a land, make a difference in a society, aiming for the stars both metaphorically or as per mentioned. Dreams define your actions as they are what proves to be the basis of every decision you make, every step you take takes you closer and closer to your dream. Its always the road less travelled, may consist of large boulders or edgy rocks, people with dual faces, hopes broken, efforts made useless in the blink of an eye. The only positivity you might recieve is the energy within, the hope of reaching there maybe this time. All you need is to convert the negativity surrounding you into your drive to reach the urge, the final urge to get there.... Wishing all readers may all your dreams come true even at which people laugh at.....