“At present, the balance between our work on the supply and demand sides stays firmly in favour of the supply side. We must restore the balance,”
UNODC Executive Director
Yury Fedotov told the opening in Vienna of the 55th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND).
“Prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, reintegration and health have to be recognized as key elements in our strategy,” he added. “Overall, our work on the treatment side must be considered as part of the normal clinical work undertaken when responding to any other disease in the health system.” Fedotov called on countries to recognize that drug dependence, which claims some 250,000 lives annually, is an illness. See
Film Online Video –“Designer Drug Use-
Mackenzie Phillips &
Christopher Kennedy Lawford Testify at UN”-
The Commission is the central UN policy-making body dealing with illicit drugs. Its current session brings together ministers and anti-drug officials from its 53 member States to consider issues such as the availability of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes and preventing the diversion of chemicals for the manufacture of illicit drugs.
According to Mr. Fedotov - “Let me be clear: there can be no reduction in drug supply, without a reduction in drug demand, more should be done to address demand,” he said.
By Ambassador
Muhamed Sacirbey – Follow @MuhamedSacirbey
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