Early to bed and Early to rise

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 Early to bed early and  to rise,

Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise 

This is one of the very old proverb, I have ever heard and read but it has been true since the time of its origin and would remain so as all the scientific social and moral research has approved it. 

Who introduced this proverb?

Poor Richard's Almanac, was an annual journal published by Benjamin Franklin between 1732 and 1758. He used this proverb as an intention to keep it with the other numerous proverbs that had been published in "Poor Richard" before somewhere else.  Sometimes, Benjamin Franklin was even made fun of his expense. Carl Sandburg in 1928 wrote for Benjamin in the 'New yorkerFebruary 1939, 'Early to bed and early to rise and you never met any such prominent people' whilst James Thurber turned it into another funny way like, Early to rise and early to bed makes a male healthy and wealthy and dead


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This proverb simply means that if we get enough sleep and start our work early in the morning, we can have a successful life.

Nature have made our body and mind such that after working for some time it gets tired and then needs to be refreshed and energized again for a new start. It is true for the human being, for animals and birds. All the bids and animals follow the natural rule and take rest or asleep after a days work. The night hours are the best time for it, so we see all the birds fly away from their nests early in the morning and return at the end of the day to have rest for early next day start. The cocks have been honoured as the announcers for start of dawn and for early  wake up call. 

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When we get asleep after a day's tiring work, our body restores itself and that is evident, next morning, in our fresh mood and energized body that is ready to start work again. 

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How a person becomes rich by following this proverb?

Let us watch the video lecture by Drew Lesser (Clinical Hypnotherapist) about the early rising habit of rich people.

 Seven Reasons of rich people waking up easily 

Video Credit: Drew Lesser via youtube

How the science proves the truth hidden in this proverb?

"Early to bed and early to rise" works in seven different ways, as proved by science, these are;

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 1. Sleep resets our body's vital mechanism, Vital force theory or vitalism

Sleep strengthens our immune mechanism which is a natural protection against different infectious and non-infectious diseases. This immune mechanism is a synthesis of  complex chemicals by our body tissues necessary to keep our body and soul healthy and active. This system is not in our control but our body alarm i-e tiredness tells us that we need to reboot this mechanism and that make us feel need to sleep or rest.     

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2. It neutralizes negativity:

A study accomplished in 2014 has demonstrated that people who work for late hours and sleep late at night are overwhelmed by negative ideas more than those who have an early go to bed habit. If we develop a pattern of having 6 to 7 hours sleep especially at night, that can help us combat any negativity that comes in our way.

3. It enhances the odds of success:

A biology Professor, Christopher Randler, University of Education Heidelberg, Germany states that early risers get better grades in university and hold better cards when they come in business. They have the better capacity to handle better job opportunities.

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Such people have better anticipation of future problems and courage to handle them. Randler adds that these people are proactive, that is linked to their better performance and higher salaries.

4.  Early risers are more persistent, conscientious and cooperative:

It is a common observation that larks are more active than night owls. Randler's research also found that morning people show more perseverance, are more agreeable, cooperative and conscientious. These are the characteristics of charismatic and successful leaders that make them likable and disciplined personalities.

5.Releases Stress, it makes us happier,

If we wake up early in the morning, we would have enough time to look at the summary of whole day activities. We can plan all events and go accordingly and stress-free. Contrarily, if we go to bed late night and wake up at 7.30, we have to rush for the shower, speedy breakfast and late arrival at work will put stress on our mind that will affect our productivity and if persistent can affect our health.

 6. No or less procrastination:

When we have enough time to think and perform, we prioritize our tasks according to their importance and necessity. Late morning riser suffers from the hazards of less time. Using every moment of our life at the right time decreases stress and anxiety and kills Procrastination.


Early to bed and early to rise  makes a man healthy wealthy and wise

Video credit: I.E.S. Padre Manjón   via youtube

7. Timely and proper sleep keeps us healthy:

Late Risers snooze during their working hours and are unable to pay proper attention that their job demands. As a result, they face complaints from their seniors. They are not as successful in their projects as those who sleep and rise up early. These self-created problems increase stress and anxiety and such people are afflicted with high blood pressure, anxiety and depression.

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 What is Wisdom?

A wisdom is a quality of foreseeing the events that can occur in present and future and managing them with a minimum or no loss and with maximum possible benefit.  An early riser has all these qualities that he usually develops with time. He has a habit of thinking and planning before performing. When he thinks about his routine jobs of the day with his fresh and stressless mind, his decisions are precise and distinct. He struggles with full passion and energy because he has a clear imagination about his future. Late risers lack this quality and their life is a mixture haste and waste. 

Wisdom is not related to age:

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Wisdom does not come with age but with the positive experience that we gain from life experiences. Positivity in life comes through healthy living and for healthy living one should adopt the habits that lead to the healthy path. Early riser enjoys the fresh air and the dust-free atmosphere that promotes life expectancy and wisdom


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So, 'Early to bed and early to rise" is not merely a proverb. It is a treasure of health, wealth and prosperity. The need is to dig out this treasure.  The way to success is to have a proper sleep, wake up early, prioritize our jobs and start work.  

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May God bless us all with this treasure.


About the author


Born in Pakistan
Living in Australia since Jan 2004
Master in Health Services Management from Griffith University Brisbane Australia. Interested in Blog writing. Photography as a hobby.

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