Earn More Buzz Bonuses and Gems with a new Quest

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Earn 5 Gems and 10 Buzz Bonuses by adding your email address


The Quests are one of the easiest ways to earn more on bitLanders, whether it's Buzz Bonuses, Gems or Bitcoin.

Today we are introducing the Email Quest. If you registered on bitLanders by only choosing a username and password, this Quest is for you!

Have a look at the Quests Box on the top right of your content feed, and click on "Configure your email address".

By entering your email address, you will be able to request payments to be sent to your Bitcoin wallet. It's also a good way to retrieve your password in case you forget it! And you'll earn 5 Gems and 10 Buzz Bonuses!


Don't forget to complete the other quests by writing your first blog or visiting our Bitcoin page, as well as the daily quests by reading blogs or sharing videos.


- Micky

About the author


The great adviser of the man behind bitLanders!

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